Install Windows 7 On Acer Q1vzc

2020. 2. 16. 18:29카테고리 없음

  1. Install Windows 7 On Acer Q1vzc

After reading this article, you will know how to install a portable Windows 8 version on a USB and take it with you anywhere you might need to use it. Yes, you read well: now you can take a copy of Windows 8 with you and run it on any Haswell based Chromebook. In order to succeed with this process, you will need a certified flash drive and the Enterprise variant of Windows 8, which now sports the functionality Windows To Go. Yes, we know, those two things are not that easy to obtain, so we’ve discovered an easier hatch. This tool is named WinToUSB and allows you to do exactly the same thing, regardless to the Windows version you run on (Windows 8 or Windows 7.

We will show you how to use this instead. Before proceeding, keep in mind that this process is not the same with installing a Windows OS from USB; this procedure only allows you to install Windows on a PC or laptop that can’t use its CD-ROM (or doesn’t have one). Practically, this time you will install this version on a USB drive and run it from there, on any PC you want. Necessary props The things required for this process are easy to obtain and simple to put together.

Please note that this method only works on Haswell based Chromebooks. After you completed the steps below place your, enable legacy boot then plug your USB drive for booting. We recommend using Windows 8 for this procedure because Windows 7 is not as portable and might have driver incompatibilities or activation problems. On the other hand, Windows 8 will allow you to use the portable installation on any Chromebook. For this step, you will need an ISO image or a Windows installation CD. The second thing you need is an external hard drive or a USB drive. Of course, the external hard drive will run faster, but you can also use a USB 2.0 or even better, a USB 3.0 will, even though the latter is recommended mostly for Windows 8 installation.

And the last one is the program that will help you through the installation process, WinToUSB. But like with any new technologic features, there are a few setbacks. While testing the feature with Windows 8 and a USB 2.0 hard drive, the results looked pretty good. We can say that the speed was satisfactory, the drivers were installed immediately and we could even test it on several computers.

However, the results change when using a flash drive and Windows 7. First Step – Installing the WinToUSB tool Just as you would do with any other tool, you should first download and install the program in your system (make sure you have administrator privileges on the system you’re using). Now, if you don’t have a ISO image ready or the Windows installation CD, you will have to download it from Microsoft, because you will need it in the second step. Second step – Creating a Portable Drive In this step, you will have to configure the WinToUSB tool which also contains the part where you create the portable installation process. This is how it should look like:. First, open WinToUSB, select your installer media, meaning your Windows installation CD or ISO image.

After selecting it, click on Next. Before beginning, make sure your drive is NTFS formatted. Now choose your hard drive and select the boot partitions and system. If you have chosen a USB hard drive for this process you should know that you can choose the first partition for system and the other one as boot. Before beginning, make sure your drive is NTFS formatted. Just click on Next, and the installation should start.

It might take around a half an hour, but the time spent also depends on the speed given by the hard drive. Final step will be booting from your external hard drive.


Install Windows 7 On Acer Q1vzc

If everything went well, you should now be able to run Windows on any computer needed. For that, plug in the hard drive, restart the PC and choose boot from drive – on some computers, you just have to press F11 when the PC is booting, then choose the portable Windows drive from the drop down list.

Keep in mind that the first time you use this system, the computer could take a while to start, because it is installing all the drivers. But when this will be done, the PC will work just like it would run Windows 8 natively. Also, there might be some things that need manual setup, the screen resolution for instance, but after this, everything should go smoothly. Hope this was helpful and that now you can run Windows 8 on your Chromebook.